It’s been a while, with quite a lot going on.
To summarise the last 6 months I have:
• Had a smash and grab from the car.
• Been misdiagnosed with a fractured rib.
• Been admitted to hospital twice.
• Been correctly diagnosed with multiple blood clots on both lungs (Pulmonary emboli).
• Been diagnosed with a currently benign GIST tumour.
• Spent 3 months recovering @ home.
• Been on Warfarin for 6 months.
• Been on Amitriptyline for 2 months. (for its nerve suppressant pain killing properties not depression)
• Had a course of acupuncture for the pain that started it all off.
So quite a list, I have just finished the warfarin and am waiting for the 18th Jan to come round to have a thrombophilia test to see if I am susceptible to clots after that I am not sure what my options are. This will however trigger the operation to remove the tumour must say I am not really looking forward to that.
Going back to the top of the list the smash and grab this resulted in a pooled voucher to spend in currys, so I did a shiny 32GB iPod Touch. It’s a great bit of kit that just gets better and better.
For some strange reason I decided that tonight was time for the first run since it all started, so that is in well over 6 months. I plugged the nike+ dongle into the iPod touch, this is the first run with it wow, only to be told that it does not need it as it is all built in, cool. Sure enough delve into the settings and turn it on and I was ready to rock. Set off with Tala in tow for the normal loop round pitville lake, 4.26km in total and it was no special time but I did it!
Off to bed now 🙂
December 11th, 2009 at 7:38 pm
Glad to hear Rocky can still punch the air at the top of the steps, yo Adrian!
I thought you were going to see how you adjusted first?
Here’s hoping for the marathon!